Helping Today

Our Mission

Today, as a self-employed real estate investor, Ronide holds a contract with the City of New York. Sheltering battered and single women with children, Ronide learned the importance of housing. With a burning desire to do the same for the deserving families in her native country of Haiti, the vision of Cite Des Artistes~ Artists Village was born.  On April 10th of 2006, a proclamation signed by six councilmen and women of the city of New York was given to Ms. Cayo for outstanding contributions, for making a lasting qualitative difference in the great city of New York.” In December 2006, Ms. Cayo

Our Story

Very few people know Ronide as a song writer, singer and guitar player. In her quest to help the less fortunate, Ronide wrote and financed for the production of a song “Mesaj Lanmou” (The Message of Love) in which she collaborated with a few other artists in addition to Leon Dimanche, Dadou Pasquet, Eddy Francois, Dieudonne Larose . They donated their talents, as a way to bring awareness to the unfortunate situation that Haiti faces, while delivering a message of peace, love and harmony. By selling the single for a minimum donation of just $5-$7 each Ronide and her team managed to raise enough money to build her first home for a deserving family in Haiti.


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Artists Village inc.

ARTISTS VILLAGE INC. world renowned singer “El pequeno gigante”Nelson Ned and French/ Italian sensation Claude Barzotti etc… In 1998, Ronide was called upon to co-host Haiti Observateur’s 27th Anniversary Gala; which was attended by several dignitaries including, former president of Haiti, Lesly F. Manigat and many high ranking American officials.

This well known influential and respected woman in the N.Y. Haitian community holds a degree in Physical Therapy. However, since 1988 Ronide Cayo has embarked herself in a pro bono mission to promote and preserve the Haitian culture.  On Television, Ms. Cayo Ronide Cayo   Philanthropist, Local & International Community Activist, Community Developer, Public Relations/ Haitian Media TV & Radio Personality, Investor, Songwriter, Singer, Guitar Player    

Ronide’s two most important priorities are: her devotion to help improve the quality of life of the least fortunate in Haiti and raising her daughter, Darnide, who Co-Founded this wonderful organizationDarnide graduated with her masters in Corporate Communication in 2010. She is currently an adjunct lecturer of Speech Communication at Baruch College.


In October 2008, Ms. Cayo’s organization, Artists Village, Inc. donated over $13 Million dollars worth of antibiotics to Haiti, in order to help the victims of the 4 killer hurricanes that ravaged that country. Artists Village, Inc. supports a countless number of youth in the country sides of Haiti, from sports, healthcare, agriculture to education.


July 22, 2009 in Atlanta Georgia, Ms. Cayo and her organization officially formed a partnership with IBBA (International Black Broadcasting Association), the NCBM (National Conference of Black Mayors) and the World Conference of Mayors.


connecting with Artists Village, Inc. and offering their partnership, because of the organization transparency in its efforts to fulfill its mission. Ms. Ronide welcomes and embraces all her students with open arms.

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